Tanto per cominciare, beccatevi un simpatico easter egg alla ZUN: Avete presente le Komeiji, no? Eccole.
http://touhou.wikia.com/wiki/Satori_KomeijiKirakishou ha scritto:mi picchi se mi dici che non capisco cosa ci sia di strano a parte che siano in negativo? °°
Bravo! Io intanto ne posto un'altra (che forse però conoscete già):Shion ha scritto:Oddio non ci avevo mai fatto caso. Però l'ho capito a prima botta vedendo l'immagine x°
Se troverò delle genialate le posterò qui.
E questi due estratti da Magical Astronomy li conoscevi?Kirakishou ha scritto:questa la sapevo ùù
e[Renko, discutendo sulla leggenda dell'Hourai Elixir] "Immortality elixirs? Of course I would use. Do you know why immortal life is supposed to be harsh in stories? They were just admonishing against greediness and demonstrating opposition to authorities. But on the contrary, this is an evidence of the immortality elixir's existence. Immortality doesn't mean absence of death; it means the boundary between life and death disappears, and you are in a state neither alive nor dead. Just as if you were in the living world and the Netherworld at the same time, a Necrophantasia."
(Fonte: touhouwiki)She saw the other side of the boundary through the moon reflected in the water. Seeing this moon, Mary had an idea.
"Well, Renko. If the Moon Tour is too expensive to go, shall we consider going there by another way?"
Another fan theory has it that Mima is Marisa's mother. This is based on the story text accompanying track 10 (Reincarnation, Mima's Phantasmagoria of Dim.Dream theme) of the music CD Dolls in Pseudo Paradise.
[Utente bannato perché fa gossip e solo Aya può fare gossip ndU]It's strange that there's a Western-style mansion in the middle of a
deserted forest to begin with. The girl who lived there hardly ever
came into town. But, lately, I've seen a girl who looks like her daughter.
How do I know she had a daughter?
Well, since the girl looks like she did when she was young ...