La burattinaia fu sorpresa di essere stata scelta come leader del gruppo che sarebbe andato al Netherworld.
- Perchè proprio io? Beh, se vuoi... - disse Alice, prendendo il comunicatore.

Flower Master of the Four Seasons
Kazami Yuuka
Marisa Kirisame
An Ordinary Black Magician
Intanto, mentre la nekomata Chen disegnava tranquillamente all'ingresso del tempio, una figura le apparve dietro con sguardo preoccupato. Si trattava di una ragazza dai capelli biondi, corti, con delle code da volpe.Sanae Kotiya
Modern Living God
Rinnosuke Morichika
Kourindou’s Owner
Don't Forget. Always, somewhere, someone is fighting for you. --- As long as you remember her, you are not alone.
hurr durr cat
-chen vedendo che tutti erano alla ricerca di qualcosa
I know what you're thinking
!my Link!
Gensoogle Radio-Desu Deviant-Art
The clodes eye of love
Komeiji Koishi
Alice Margatroid
Seven-Colored Puppeteer
Flower Master of the Four Seasons
Kazami Yuuka
Marisa Kirisame
An Ordinary Black Magician
Sanae Kotiya
Modern Living God
Rinnosuke Morichika
Kourindou’s Owner
Don't Forget. Always, somewhere, someone is fighting for you. --- As long as you remember her, you are not alone.
*sta ancora cercando nelle grotte misteriose*
I know what you're thinking
!my Link!
Gensoogle Radio-Desu Deviant-Art
The Closed Eye of love
Komeiji Koishi
Alice Margatroid
Seven-Colored Puppeteer
Flower Master of the Four Seasons
Kazami Yuuka
Marisa Kirisame
An Ordinary Black Magician
Sanae Kotiya
Modern Living God